I sincerely wish I could say that spring has arrived on The Hill since I last updated this blog, but that would unfortunately be a lie. It is still very much winter here, and along with the piles of snow have come the piles of responsibilities that come with being a second-semester first year. There are jobs to apply for, majors to declare, events to attend, and plans to be made. I can safely say that I am nearing the end of this process.
I have already applied for several jobs on campus, and I will be working as an RA for first year students next year! I will also be serving as a fall orientation leader, which I am very excited about. I am also currently applying for internships and registering to audition for shows to build up my resume over the summer. I am also still very involved in Off the Record, and in Holy Cross Theatre as an ensemble member in our department show The Skin of Our Teeth. Additionally, I am acting in the advanced directing students’ Greek pieces, which go up this afternoon.
While I am busy, I feel as though my position and my plan here at Holy Cross is solidifying. I have become very comfortable with the people with whom I study and spend my time, and I am looking forward to the semesters and years to come.