10 Favorite Moments at Holy Cross (so far)!

Hello readers, and welcome to my blog!  I am thrilled to have this opportunity to share my first year at Holy Cross with you!

Since there’s no way I could fit all the great experiences I’ve had in my first month into one blog post, here is a list (in rough chronological order) of my 10 favorite moments at Holy Cross!

1. Move In Day!

This was a great experience which welcomed me to Holy Cross.

2. Orientation!

I made new friends, and my orientation leaders are great mentors to me.

3. The Edge! 

A dance party celebrating the end of orientation, and where I met my best friend at Holy Cross.

4. Alternate College Theatre Auditions! 

I was cast in our fall production of Stop Kiss– more on that later.

5. Arrival!

My first cluster-wide Montserrat event was a screening of the film Arrival, which was very entertaining and a great way to make friends.

6. Harry Potter Night!  

At Hogan Campus center, we watched the first Harry Potter movie and made Hogwarts house-themed stuffed animals.

7. Prospective Student Outreach Greeting!

I now spend Thursday mornings with PSO answering questions for families who are interested in Holy Cross.

8. ACT’s Midnight Theatre!

 An event where actors, writers and directors create and perform a short play in under five hours. I was unable to participate, but I had a great time watching!

9. Off The Record!

 I also became a new member of this all-female a capella group and had an exciting first performance.

10. Student Directing Project! 

 I was asked to perform in a fellow student’s 5 to 10 minute play, for which I am currently rehearsing.


As you can see, I am involved in a lot of activities which I hope to continue to share with you, and I have had an exciting, busy first month at Holy Cross!

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